Manifesting Money: Use the Subconscious Mind to Create Abundance 


July 19, 2023

My mission with this blog is to help you create a more abundant, joyful, and fulfilling life. As a financial professional, I combine the technical and emotional aspects of wealth building to help my clients. Whether you want a life of adventure or calm and peaceful stability, you need to become confident managing your money.







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How to Manifest Money

To manifest money, train yourself to think about expanding and abundance. 

See the opportunity in everything you do and take action on your positive affirmations.  Visualize yourself achieving your goals and say to yourself daily “money comes to me in unexpected ways.”

How to Manifest Money
Visualize yourself achieving your goals and say to yourself daily “money comes to me in unexpected ways.”

Setting Intentions for Manifesting Money

When setting your intentions for manifesting money make sure you create clear intentions and have reminders throughout the day.  Practice getting into the feeling of having the wealth you want. 

Table of Contents

  1. The True Essence of Manifestation
  2. Do Money Affirmations Work?
  3. Simple Affirmations for Wealth and Abundance
  4. 17 Ways to Manifest Money
  5. Common Questions about Manifesting Money

The True Essence of Manifestation

The true power behind manifestation is this phrase: “If you can control your mind, you can control your life.”  

If you aren’t aware of what you subconsciously believe about yourself then you’re likely holding yourself back. Think of your mind as the power and energy behind everything you do. 

manifesting money
If you can control your mind, you can control your life.

Do Money Affirmations Work?

Money affirmations absolutely work, but only if you believe the affirmations you’re saying. 

Imagine that you say to yourself, “I am a money magnet.” But then subconsciously you’re thinking “why don’t I have enough money?” Then, it won’t work because you’re conflicted internally. 

Quick Video: 3 Manifesting Phrases for Money

These are three phrases that I come back to all the time when I’m working on my money mindset. You’re never too “advanced” to work on your money mindset! These three phrases will help transform the way you think about money and your ability to manifest money.

Simple Affirmations for Wealth and Abundance

  • I am grateful for money
  • I am successful and create wealth in everything I do
  • I am generous with my money
  • I love money
  • I attract wealth and abundance
Simple Affirmations for Wealth and Abundance
I am successful and create wealth in everything I do.

17 Ways to Manifest Money

1. Understanding Attraction and Vibration Laws

You attract what you think about so you need to be very aware of what you think about.  The laws of the universe will bring you what you think you deserve. 

2. Getting Specific with Your Desires

Be specific about what you want to manifest and concentrate on the feeling of already having it.  The universe works in pictures so the more clear your image is the more likely you will achieve the desired results.

3. Embracing the Feeling of Spending

There’s a saying in business that goes like this:

You will only earn a million dollars, when you can spend a million dollars.

Is this true? Probably. This is because the feeling of spending money demonstrates the belief that money flows and there is more than enough to go around.

But this isn’t a license to spend more than you have. Remember that there’s a difference between spending without fear and spending like a drunken sailor. One is expansive and one is desperate. It can help to create a budget and follow that budget if you’re not sure whether your spending is serving you or working against you. 

Embracing the Feeling of Spending
Create a budget and follow that budget if you’re not sure whether your spending is serving you or working against you. 

4. Trying the 369 Method

The 369 method is a simple way to remember to repeat your affirmations during the day. So write down what you want to manifest 3 times in the morning, 6 times during the day, and again 9 times in the evening.  

5. Surrounding Yourself with Abundance

It is essential to surround yourself with abundance everyday if you want to be rich.  Whether that is being in nature or around positive people, doing this is reinforcing that the universe is plentiful and you can achieve anything you desire.

6. Using Money-related Affirmations

Remember we are always manifesting by just being in this life.  However by using money-related positive affirmations we are controlling the narrative of what we want more of in our lives. 

Using Money-related Affirmations
It is essential to surround yourself with abundance everyday.

7. Harnessing the Power of Visualization

Clearly picturing yourself achieving what you desire, helps your subconscious believe it can happen.  It gives you clarity and makes you feel successful which is a great motivator to take the right steps now. Visualization is more powerful than you might realize.

8. Overcoming Limiting Beliefs About Money

If your manifesting isn’t working, you might have some limiting beliefs you need to overcome. By overcoming your limiting beliefs around money, you are removing the obstacles your subconscious mind is using to hold you back.  As an example, thinking “money is bad” is holding you back from more money flowing into your life. 

9. Visualizing Wealth and Gratitude

By picturing yourself being grateful for your wealth and abundance, you are essentially already celebrating your success and how it would feel to have more wealth.  This increases your confidence and helps you take the steps towards achieving your goals. Plus, gratitude seems to help people achieve greater results in life. Try to be grateful for what you DO have as you expand your consciousness and open up to manifesting more money.

meditation and visualization for manifesting money
Clearly picture yourself achieving what you desire to help your subconscious believe it can happen. 

10. Trusting the Universe

One of the most important relationships is the one you have with the universe. Trusting the universe is believing it is guiding you every day through intuition, surprise encounters and inner wisdom. So you need to be listening!  

11. Setting Goals

To manifest money you need to set the goal to change from where you are now to where you want to be.  When you set the goal, listen to your body and intuition because you want your conscious and subconscious mind to be working together. 

12. Practice Intentional Spending

Send the message to the universe that money is abundant and the more you can allow it to flow, the more it will come back to you.  You can do this through intentional spending which is particularly important if you tend to hold money very tightly.  

Trusting the universe is believing it is guiding you every day through intuition, surprise encounters and inner wisdom.
Listen to your body because you want your conscious and subconscious mind to be working together. 

13. Acting as if Money Is Already Manifested

Instead of saying, “It must be nice to have a fancy new car,” you say, “Hmm I wonder what car I should buy?”  Financial success starts in your mind, and you need to get into feeling how great it will be to drive the car of your dreams if that’s something you want to manifest.

14. Practicing Gratitude and Having Faith

Practicing gratitude gets you into the feeling of opportunity and knowing the universe has your back.  A good routine is this: every morning say three things you are grateful for now and getting excited about for the future.  

15. Pursuing Your Dreams at Any Age 

Write down your dreams and then take steps to picture yourself living your dream.  Acknowledge that it may be scary to think big or make a change and then remind yourself you want to live a life with no regrets and anything is possible. 

manifesting money affirmations
Every morning say three things you are grateful for now and getting excited about for the future.  

16. Aligning Your Beliefs and Self-Worth

If you do all this work on manifesting your dreams but underneath you feel you are unlovable, weak, and not valuable you need to align your desires and self worth.  You want to reinforce through positive affirmations that you are truly unique, worthy, and an important part of this universe.

17. Exploring Money and the Law of Attraction

First look within and determine any limiting beliefs you have about money such as “money can’t buy happiness” or “money is bad” because you will never be able to attract wealth if your subconscious is opposing what you want.  Then you need to visualize your life once you have the wealth you desire and get into the feeling of how great it is. 

manifesting money mantras are useful
You need to visualize your life once you have the wealth you desire and get into the feeling of how great it is. 

Common Questions about Manifesting Money

What symbols attract money?

Some of the symbols that attract money are an ox, a dollar bill, a money tree, a $ sign, the laughing buddha, and the Hamsa.

What are the numbers for manifesting money?

The number 8 is often considered the most powerful number symbolizing wealth, number 6 in numerology, and in western culture number 7 for “lucky 7.” 

What do you say when manifesting?

When manifesting you want to be clear and use words such as “I am”, “I can”, and “I will.”

Does manifesting really work?

Manifesting works if you acknowledge and release your limiting beliefs and take action on what you want to manifest. 

How long does manifestation take?

The three factors that will determine how long manifesting will take are how much negative programming you have, how committed you are to manifesting, and how large your dreams are. 

Related Articles on Manifesting

💎 What to Do When Manifesting Isn’t Working

đź’Ž How to Start Manifesting Your Desires Based on Science

đź’Ž How to Manifest Happiness So Your Life is More Fulfilling

đź’Ž Top 7 Ways of Manifesting

About the Author

TIFFANY WOODFIELD is a financial coach, cross-border expert, and the co-founder of SWAN Wealth based out of Kelowna, BC. As a TEP and associate portfolio manager, Tiffany has extensive experience working with successful professionals who want to leave a legacy and enjoy an adventurous, work-optional lifestyle. Tiffany combines extensive knowledge from her background as a financial professional with coaching and her passion for personal development to help her clients create a unique path that allows them to live their fullest potential. Tiffany has been a regular contributor to Bloomberg TV and has been interviewed by national and international publications, including the Globe and Mail and Barron’s.

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