What to Do When Manifesting Isn’t Working


June 14, 2023

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When manifesting isn’t working, what is likely the culprit?

Manifesting not working? Don’t worry! It happens to everyone. You have a powerful desire and you’re doing a manifesting practice every day. And yet…you’re not seeing results. In this post, I’ll cover the causes of manifesting malfunctions and what to do to get unstuck.

When manifesting isn’t working, the most likely culprit is that you don’t believe you deserve it.

Your inner desires and your beliefs aren’t in alignment. 

You’re holding yourself back.  This is why I always say that you need to face your fears and hidden beliefs.

To start manifesting, you have to believe you deserve it.

Ask yourself when you set the intention if you think you deserve it.  Do any negative thoughts come to mind when you set your intention?

When manifesting isn’t working, the most likely culprit is that you don’t believe you deserve it.
Ask yourself when you set the intention if you think you deserve it. 

Consider some of the common limiting beliefs that may be holding you back:

  1. Manifesting or seeking enlightenment is selfish when there is so much suffering in the world.

To counter this, I want you to consider how you can inspire and support others when you are positive and following your path. Remind yourself it isn’t selfish to choose to better yourself. In fact, by taking care of you it gives you more energy to help and support others.

To prove this, consider when you are feeling really good how do you react to strangers in a grocery store? Now compare that to when you feel hopeless and that life is unfair. You can bring others up by standing in your own power.

  1. Manifesting isn’t real. It’s fake!

It has been proven repeatedly that the power of the mind and manifesting is only teaching your mind to think positively. To be aware and intentional in your life. To believe in what you are here to do.

  1. I don’t have time to manifest!

Ask yourself how much time it takes to surf the internet or to check social media. I am confident that you can find 10 minutes a day. We all have the same amount of time in a day. Instead of saying, “I don’t have time” for something, I practice saying, “I don’t make time.” In one, you are a victim, and in one, you are in control.

And whether you want to believe it or not, we are in control of our time. Yes, we are pulled and have commitments, but we are still choosing what is a priority.

The most impactful culprit is your own negative talk in your head.  This doesn’t allow you to set goals or make the time to work on yourself.

And whether you want to believe it or not, we are in control of our time. Yes, we are pulled and have commitments, but we are still choosing what is a priority.
To start manifesting, you have to believe you deserve it.

Are You Manifesting Regularly?

The second reason manifesting might not work is if you aren’t committed to it on a regular basis.

It isn’t easy, and much like starting a new program at the gym, manifesting takes effort and commitment.

Do You Have Unrealistic Expectations?

The third most common reason manifesting isn’t working is unrealistic expectations.

Remember, any day isn’t all good or all bad. Any opportunity isn’t all good or all bad.

It usually is a mixture of the two.

If you are expecting a rabbit to jump out of a hat so you can suddenly know that manifesting is working, you will be disappointed.

If you instead track your progress towards your goals and see how your self-talk has changed and the subtle improvements in your life have happened, you will keep going and reach your target.

Do You Have Unrealistic Expectations?
Manifesting takes effort and commitment.

This list of why it isn’t working isn’t exhaustive, but it demonstrates the most common and powerful reasons manifesting might not be working for you.

I challenge you to be quiet for a moment and honest with yourself. Ask yourself to dive deep and determine if one of these things is holding you back.

Remember, life has a way of testing your commitment.

Quick Video: 3 Steps to Manifest Money (Or Anything Else)

You can use these three simple steps to manifest money or anything else! Make sure you click the subscribe button if you’re YouTube user so you get more of these videos in your feed.

Get More Manifesting Tips!

💎 How to Increase Your Manifesting Power

💎 How to Use a Vision Board for Manifesting

💎 How To Stop Negative Thoughts From Manifesting

About the Author

TIFFANY WOODFIELD is a financial coach, cross-border expert, and entrepreneur based out of Kelowna, BC. As a TEP and associate portfolio manager, Tiffany has extensive experience working with successful professionals who want to leave a legacy and enjoy an adventurous, work-optional lifestyle. Tiffany combines extensive knowledge from her background as a financial professional with coaching and her passion for personal development to help her clients create a unique path that allows them to live their fullest potential. Tiffany has been a regular contributor to Bloomberg TV and has been interviewed by national and international publications, including the Globe and Mail and Barron’s.