Written By Tiffany Woodfield, Financial Coach, TEP, CRPC®, CIM®
What Is “Money Mindset?”
Your money mindset is made up of your cornerstone beliefs about money. It influences everything you do and don’t do with money, such as spending, saving, building up debt, buying a home, and investing.
The Importance of Your Money Mindset
It is critical to understand your money mindset because it will influence all your decisions around money, whether you are aware of it or not. Your money mindset also directly impacts your overall well-being and happiness because when you have a positive money mindset, you feel in control of your life, and when you don’t, you feel like a victim.
Table of Contents
- How I Transformed My Money Mindset from Scarcity to Abundance
- What influences your money mindset?
- 11 Key Strategies to Improve Your Money Mindset and Enjoy Greater Abundance
- But What Is a Good Money Mindset?
- How Money Mindset Can Transform Your Life (and Bank Account)
- Common Questions About Money Mindset
- Money Isn’t Dirty
How I Transformed My Money Mindset from Scarcity to Abundance
Growing up, I didn’t allow myself to have monumental dreams because this was for “other people”—wealthy and connected people who grew up in influential communities. At the time, I didn’t understand this block was about money. But years later, I started to appreciate that my money mindset needed to change.
How we view money is like a window into how we view ourselves. This is helpful because it is something we can easily measure.
The first step I took to transform my money mindset was acknowledging that my attitude toward money impacted my ability to achieve my goals. I unintentionally kept myself down and made myself have less by believing abundance was for others.
My lack mentality centered around the feeling that I wasn’t deserving, and if I was ambitious, I was selfish.
I was so afraid of being called selfish that it held me hostage. I stopped myself from trying to do or have more.
I didn’t understand that self-care wasn’t selfish and that working on improving myself and ultimately having more in my life wasn’t selfish. This fear kept me in a scarcity mindset. I didn’t want to upset the proverbial apple cart and have more.
Now that I understand that taking care of myself and wanting more isn’t selfish, I can appreciate being fulfilled and achieving; I can share this with others and empower them to achieve more abundance in their lives.
What influences your money mindset?
Your money mindset is created by what you learned from your parents, community, and personal experiences growing up. All of this shapes your fundamental beliefs around money.
Working with a financial coach may be a good idea if you want to speed up your financial growth and improve your money mindset. Working with a coach can also help you release limiting beliefs that are acting as a glass ceiling and gain other tools to manage and grow your wealth.
But first, take a look at these 11 key strategies to improve your money mindset and enjoy greater abundance. You can get started with any of these right away!
11 Key Strategies to Improve Your Money Mindset and Enjoy Greater Abundance
1. Practice Gratitude
Start a routine where you acknowledge at least one thing you are grateful for daily. Think of it as tuning your internal radio station to the desired frequency. You are setting the station—your subconscious—to work on creating more things to be grateful.
2. Meditate
Before I started meditating, I had an unrealistic view of meditation. I also underestimated its power and reach. I used to think you would sit, reach this euphoric state, and be at peace. Then, when I sat and didn’t get this, I thought I was doing it wrong.
I kept catching myself “thinking” when I knew I should be “silent.”
I thought, “Damn, it doesn’t work!”
But before you give up, I want you to know it IS working. Meditation is the practice of noticing your thoughts. A few months into meditating, I started seeing how it helped my daily life. This was such a gift.
It was like I had awakened my subconscious.
I would feel my body when something I didn’t like happened, and I could pause before reacting. Meditation is powerful for improving your money mindset because you can feel when you are in an abundance positive mindset versus a lack mentality and change it.
3. Practice Generosity
While practicing generosity is vital for everyone, it is essential for people in a scarcity mindset and holding onto money tightly. Practicing generosity is acting on your lack mentality by informing the universe you believe in abundance. So, by offering to buy a friend coffee or lunch, you are sending a clear message to the universe that you think money flows. You will also notice in your body when you are generous, you can powerfully sense your mindset shift, and it feels incredible.
4. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
Stop comparing yourself to others because if you perceive you have more than someone else, you feel guilty underneath, and if you perceive you have less, you feel bad. Instead, when you notice yourself comparing, stop, acknowledge you were comparing, and forgive yourself, knowing this is natural but harmful. Then, be curious if you can see the situation differently, perhaps understanding we are all on our own journey.
5. Embrace Change
Our subconscious freaks out whenever we experience any change in our lives, whether good or bad. This is because our subconscious mind is primal, and the instinct is to keep everything the same. You need to be brave, acknowledging that this is just your past programming, and choose to move forward towards your goals even though it is uncomfortable.
6. Boost Motivation with Money Mantras
Use money mantras such as “I will attract wealth easily into my life” and “I am grateful for all the abundance in my life,” Another one I like is, “I look forward to having a work-optional lifestyle.” These motivate you today and train you to look at the future with anticipation rather than fear.
7. Take Steps to Create More Abundance in Any Area of Your Life
Start thinking of steps to create more abundance in your life, whether going after the career you have always wanted or simply trying something new. Creating abundance in one area of your life brings more to all areas.
8. Start a Journal
Start a journal to document where you are now and where you want to go. It is an accountability partner and can help you see the progress. Often, we give up too soon because we don’t recognize what we have already started to shift.
9. Believe in Your Ability to Achieve Financial Success
The mind is far greater than any other gift you have; make sure you train it to think positively. You need to believe in your ability to achieve financial success. For example, if you are still holding on to the fact you made a poor financial decision in the distant past (or even recently), you need to forgive yourself and release this. Deciding instead to learn from your mistakes and know you deserve more abundance.
10. Envision a Work-Optional Lifestyle
When you envision a work-optional lifestyle, you are picturing how you want your life to look—a life where you can choose to work rather than feeling that you have to work to pay your bills. The significant difference is you are in control and have financial freedom.
11. Align Your Money Mindset with Financial Goals
Many people get confused when they want more financial success and think they must chase money to achieve their goals. You will want to align your money mindset and values with your financial goals. If your goal is financial freedom, then how you spend and save today needs to be consistent with this goal.
But What Is a Good Money Mindset?
A good money mindset serves you and aligns with your values and financial goals. Because your money mindset drives all your financial decisions, it will help you decide when to spend and save depending on your goals.
How Money Mindset Can Transform Your Life (and Bank Account)
Your money mindset impacts your daily financial decisions and can either hold you back or bring you more financial freedom. A positive money mindset can transform your life because you make decisions that support your intention and give you the courage to face your challenges.
Common Questions About Money Mindset
What is a lack of mentality?
A lack mentality is where you believe there isn’t enough money, love, time, happiness, success or health for everyone.
What is a money mantra?
A money mantra is a clear, concise statement that powerfully states the financial success you want to create. It should be empowering to you and easy to recite every day.
What is the best money mindset?
The best money mindset is the one that effectively works on your most dominant money block. The goal is to achieve the money mindset that releases your resistance to money and is a mindset that believes money and success flow freely to you.
What is a toxic money mindset?
A toxic money mindset will hold you back from financial freedom. Thoughts such as “Money is the root of all evil,” “I am bad with money,” or “I will never have enough money” are all toxic.
What is a positive money mindset?
A positive money mindset believes money is wonderful and creates more freedom.
Money Isn’t Dirty
When discussing money, it is often considered a “dirty” word, but it shouldn’t be. Money isn’t innately good or bad. It’s just a currency. Money is a way to flow goods and services from one person to the next.
The ultimate goal isn’t to chase money but to create more time. One of the most significant indicators of happiness is when people focus on creating more time for themselves rather than just more money.
Awareness of your money mindset enables you to make choices that help you create a life with more time and financial freedom.
Summary of Key Points:
- Your money mindset is crucial to your success because it impacts all aspects of your financial life.
- A lack of mentality holds you back from reaching your goals.
- A good money mindset is in alignment with your values.
- Practicing generosity shows the universe you believe money flows.
- Your money mindset was influenced by where you grew up, your community, and your personal experiences.
- Meditation helps you notice when your money mindset is negative.
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About the Author
TIFFANY WOODFIELD is a financial coach, cross-border expert, and entrepreneur based out of Kelowna, BC. As a TEP and associate portfolio manager, Tiffany has extensive experience working with successful professionals who want to leave a legacy and enjoy an adventurous, work-optional lifestyle. Tiffany combines extensive knowledge from her background as a financial professional with coaching and her passion for personal development to help her clients create a unique path that allows them to live their fullest potential. Tiffany has been a regular contributor to Bloomberg TV and has been interviewed by national and international publications, including the Globe and Mail and Barron’s.