My mission with this blog is to share the spiritual, emotional, and financial tools every ambitious woman needs to live a rich and fulfilling life. You deserve to feel confident and calm about your money choices as you build your wealth and legacy.


How do you use positive affirmations when feeling down? “I’m not feeling great. What are some ways I can use positive affirmations when feeling down?” We all have those days when we don’t feel like ourselves and don’t have the energy to “fake it.”

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Positive Affirmations

Positive Affirmations When Feeling Down

How do you use positive affirmations when feeling down? “I’m not feeling great. What are some ways I can use positive affirmations when feeling down?” We all have those days when we don’t feel like ourselves and don’t have the energy to “fake it.”

Positive Affirmations

How Long Do Affirmations Take To Work?

Positive affirmations are a great tool to start on this journey, and it doesn’t matter “how long it takes for affirmations to rewire your brain” or worry “if you can teach an old dog new tricks.”

How to Be Rich

Wealth Coach: What To Expect and When to Hire an Expert

Having wealth gives you the time to do the things that bring you happiness, whether spending time with family, creating a business, giving back, or traveling. Do you need a wealth coach to help you get there?

Financial Coaching

Expand Your Money Mindset with These Financial Tips

It is critical to understand your money mindset because it will influence all your decisions around money, whether you’re aware of it or not.

Financial Coaching

12 Big Money Blocks Even the Rich Have and How to Reverse Them

Money blocks usually develop when you are young and impressionable. They are things you learn and subconsciously take for granted. You believe them to be an absolute truth. 


The 1/3 Rule of Budgeting and How to Use It the Right Way

The 1/3 rule of budgeting is a simple financial guideline that suggests allocating your after-tax income into three broad categories.


Money Management Rules: 50 30 20, 7-Day Rule, and 20/10 Rule

The 50-30-20 rule for money management is where you separate the money you take home each month into three categories.


How to Stick to a Budget (Even If You’re New to Budgeting)

“I just need to know HOW to stick to a budget!”

That might have been the rallying cry in your head as you decided to find help online.

You’ve created a budget (or are thinking about it) but you want to be sure you can ACTUALLY stick to it. There’s no sense trying to budget if you don’t think you’ll be able to follow through.

Here’s the secret: you don’t need to cut all your spending to create a budget and save enough money for your future.


Manifesting Money: Use the Subconscious Mind to Create Abundance 

To manifest money, train yourself to think about expanding and abundance. See the opportunity in everything you do and take action on your positive affirmation

Positive Affirmations

80+ Positive Affirmations for Women

The Power of Daily Positive Affirmations for Women These 80 positive affirmations for women are perfect for expanding your capacity to manifest your dreams. When you set a positive affirmation, you set the intention and direction for your day. It reinforces your behaviour and who you want to be. It focuses your subconscious mind on solutions […]


Manifest more Money, Love, and Happiness with This Meditation & Guide

THE MONEY SECRETS MANIFESTATION GUIDE contains the exact process that I've used to create my dream life. If you want to feel joyful and confident as you manifest your goals, get the guided meditation and start listening!