How You Can Have an Abundance Mindset with Money
Having an abundance mindset with money is critical to living a fulfilling life.
So, let’s break down how to have an abundance mindset with money, even in times of financial stress. If you can do it when feeling the squeeze, you can do it any time.
Written By Tiffany Woodfield, Financial Coach, TEP, CRPC®, CIM®
How can I maintain an abundance mindset in times of financial stress?
All stress creates a fight, flight, freeze or fawn response.
Our brains go into a panic, and often, we can fall into a victim mentality. But if you want to have a solid money mindset and feel abundant, you’ll need a tool to help you shift your mindset in times of stress.
To shift this, follow these steps:
First, you need to turn off the stress response because you don’t have access to your higher-level thinking when stressed.
You can do this by going somewhere quiet, being aware of the room and feeling your feet on the ground. Then, take a few deep breaths and tell yourself you are okay and safe.
Talk to yourself, acknowledging how you feel like you are talking to a friend. For example, walk away and say, “I can see you’re triggered and feeling overwhelmed because you just got a bill you don’t know how to pay. You are expected to feel this panic, and I want you to know you are okay.”
Take a deep breath.
Repeat, “You are okay, and you aren’t going to die now. You are safe.”
It may take several times to acknowledge you are okay.
Once calmer, tell yourself to be curious and ask how and what questions.
After turning off the stress response, the key is to be open to learning how to fix the situation.
“I am curious about what steps I can take and what I can do now to get through this moment.”
Don’t look at the bigger picture just now.
When you are home, either later that day or the next morning, it is essential to write down what happened to understand why you were so triggered.
This is when you can start bridging from a panic-negative mindset to a positive one.
For example, you might write down in your journal:
“I recognize I panicked because I was unprepared for that bill, instantly judged myself, and thought the world would end. Now and in the future, I want to take control of my finances and understand the bigger picture. How can I earn more or spend less to avoid these events?”
You may not have an answer right away, but you need to look at where you are and start to take action on your financial situation.
I also recommend being curious about the limiting beliefs that made you triggered. Are there moments from your past that mirror the experience you’re going through right now? Are these past stories bleeding into your current life?
What are the practical benefits of having an abundance mindset?
To get started, first, you need to understand what an abundance mindset is.
An abundance mindset is about changing your perception of everything happening to you and discovering what lessons you can learn from your circumstances.
For myself, it means when life throws me a curve ball, as it often will, I decide to learn from it rather than feel like a victim.
I try to be brave and face it head-on.
The practical benefit comes when you ask yourself, “How can I learn from this?” or “How can I be curious about what is happening?”
In that moment, you feel differently.
The shift is that you feel empowered rather than out of control. This is where the magic happens. This feeling creates energy and ideas for taking action.
I have a remarkable friend who went through an unimaginable and unexpected loss in her life.
When people view her, they continually hold up a mirror of how they would feel and want to look at her as a victim.
The fascinating thing is that her abundant mentality and strength don’t allow her to be a victim. She gracefully forges a new path, shedding light and inspiration to those around her. Without this abundant mentality, she would be gone, too.
So imagine if she was lost as well; this would have been an even more significant heartbreak for her family and community.
As an observer, I can feel she has more to offer this world, and her subconscious knows this too and is driving her forward. Of course, don’t get me wrong, there are many moments when she has to force herself to get out of bed and even take a step in the morning. But this doesn’t break her.
Is an abundance mindset just about being optimistic?
Your attitude and mindset create your reality.
Your mindset gets you out of bed in the morning and makes you believe you have value in the world. Your mindset gives you the courage and drive to believe in yourself. So, while being optimistic may be part of your abundance mindset, it’s only one element.
Being Optimistic:
“Oh la de da, everything is beautiful and rosy.”
Abundance Mindset
“I know that whatever happens, I can handle it. I have the determination, energy, and focus to create the life I want.”
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About the Author
TIFFANY WOODFIELD is a financial coach, cross-border expert, and entrepreneur based out of Kelowna, BC. As a TEP and associate portfolio manager, Tiffany has extensive experience working with successful professionals who want to leave a legacy and enjoy an adventurous, work-optional lifestyle. Tiffany combines extensive knowledge from her background as a financial professional with coaching and her passion for personal development to help her clients create a unique path that allows them to live their fullest potential. Tiffany has been a regular contributor to Bloomberg TV and has been interviewed by national and international publications, including the Globe and Mail and Barron’s.