My mission with this blog is to share the spiritual, emotional, and financial tools every ambitious woman needs to live a rich and fulfilling life. You deserve to feel confident and calm about your money choices as you build your wealth and legacy.


Ever find yourself stuck in a loop, getting more of what you don’t want? It’s like the more you try to avoid something, the more it shows up. But don’t worry — there’s a way out!

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How To Stop Manifesting What You Don’t Want

Ever find yourself stuck in a loop, getting more of what you don’t want? It’s like the more you try to avoid something, the more it shows up. But don’t worry — there’s a way out!

Positive Affirmations

How To Come Up With Positive Affirmations

To create your dream life, you must understand what makes you fulfilled, what you value, and what story you want to create.  

Positive Affirmations

What Are Positive Affirmations and Why Are They Important?

Affirmations are like seeds of optimism planted in the garden of your mind. These powerful statements can transform your thoughts into a more confident and optimistic you. 


How To Be Patient When Manifesting So You Can Manifest Your Dreams

Did you ever go on long family road trips as a kid? You’d sit in the backseat, repeatedly asking, ‘Are we there yet?’ as your parents tried to figure out how to distract you for another four hours.


How To Prevent Negative Thoughts From Manifesting

Tired of your inner critic throwing a never-ending pity party in your brain? You’re not alone. But there is a way out.

Positive Affirmations

Positive Affirmations for When You Are in a Bad Mood

If you’re reading this, it’s likely because you’re in the middle of one of THOSE days–where everything seems to go wrong! 

Positive Affirmations

How to Teach Kids Positive Affirmations

In this short article, we’ll dive into the world of positive affirmations for kids and reveal a few secrets to raising confident and resilient kids who can handle anything life throws them! 

Positive Affirmations

Wondering How Many Times To Repeat Affirmations?

There are no hard and fast rules about how many times you should repeat affirmations, but in this post, I’ll share some general guidelines.

Positive Affirmations

These Positive Affirmations Will Help When Having Anxiety 

Anxiety is when your thoughts are getting out of control, and you are spiraling, envisioning that the worst is going to happen.  

Positive Affirmations

How Many Times To Write Affirmations

When you write down affirmations, you train your subconscious mind to think positive thoughts. Like any new routine, such as working out or eating healthy, the more consistent you are, the sooner you will see the results. 


Manifest more Money, Love, and Happiness with This Meditation & Guide

THE MONEY SECRETS MANIFESTATION GUIDE contains the exact process that I've used to create my dream life. If you want to feel joyful and confident as you manifest your goals, get the guided meditation and start listening!