You Can Change Your Money-Making Mindset
If you’re ready to change your mindset around making money, this post will help you tremendously.
Over the course of many years, I’ve transformed my money mindset, allowing me to create the life I desire. And I know that you can do this too!
Written By Tiffany Woodfield, Financial Coach, TEP®, CRPC®, CIM®

What practical steps can I take to change my mindset about making money today?
The practical steps to start changing your mindset today include:
- Visualizing where you want to be and the life you want to have.
- Create an affirmation that aligns with your visualization and write it down where you can see it daily.
- Acknowledging your limiting beliefs that hold you back from reaching a positive money mindset.
- Be curious every day about when your limiting beliefs arise and question if they are 100% true.
- Choose one crucial limiting belief to focus on changing into a positive one and write it down.
- Daily, visualize your goal and say your affirmations. Write down the limiting beliefs and how you can counter them.
- At the end of the week, evaluate how your limiting beliefs may have less hold on you.
Meditation Is a Superpower
Meditation is an excellent way to set a clear intention and learn how your body reacts when negative thoughts arise throughout the day.
It’s an ideal starting point for change.
To understand your money mindset and the limitations you impose on yourself, I recommend creating a routine where you sit quietly for five minutes and meditate daily.
This practice helps you eliminate “mental chatter” and listen to what is happening inside. Many people say, “I can’t meditate, or it isn’t working.”
I understand this because I used to feel the same way.
Remember, our society is accustomed to instant gratification through social media and on-demand purchasing. Meditation is slow—working at a much deeper level, often unnoticed.
I expected an immediate “zen” moment of peace when I began meditating. I was frustrated when it didn’t happen, and my mind wandered to daily tasks. However, continuing my practice over the years, I learned that meditation isn’t about stopping thoughts altogether; it’s about returning to your breath and noticing your body.
Meditation’s true power isn’t just during the act; it makes you aware of your body, breathing, and reactions during the day. It helps you recognize when your subconscious mind is reacting.
Meditation helps you be more awake throughout the day, able to feel shifts and recognize when you’re judging or when something isn’t aligned with you.
During my daily routine, I found the real superpower of meditation.
Instead of going about my day with my mind asleep, I am awake, and when things happen, I can feel the shift.
Meditation has been incredibly beneficial for me as a busy, type-A person always seeking results. It has made me more aware, allowing me to choose my path, listen to what is important to me, and understand what I can change to reach my goals.
I emphasize meditation’s importance and “magic” because it has helped me so much.

What are the common limiting beliefs that prevent people from making money?
The most common limiting beliefs that prevent people from making money include:
- Believing money is bad.
- Thinking money is scarce.
- Believing money is not important and considering oneself superficial for wanting more.
- You shouldn’t need money.
- Believing people with money are selfish and arrogant.
- Assuming if you make more money, it will just go to taxes.
- Growing up with limiting beliefs and fearing what your family and friends would think if you pursued more money.
- Telling yourself, “I am not good with money.”
If you have any of these limiting beliefs, it’s time to start releasing them!
Quick Video: 3 Manifesting Phrases for Money
Having the right money mindset allows you to believe and focus on what you desire. But even wealthy people can feel worried or stressed about money. So what can you do about it? These are three manifesting phrases that I use frequently to shift my mindset around money if I’m struggling with a feeling of lack.
How do successful people think about money differently than others?
Successful people have a positive money mindset and understand money as a tool.
They believe in themselves and their ability to create the future they want. Without the drag of a negative, fear-based money mindset, they are more confident and can take steps to become financially successful. They are empowered to bet on themselves and create their future rather than wait for life to happen.

How does changing my mindset about money help with actual financial success?
Think of money as a friend.
If you continually tell this friend they are wrong, selfish, or hard to be around, will they remain your friend?
Treat your relationship with money like a friendship. If you want a good and connected relationship, listen to your thoughts and judgments about money and treat money well. Holding limiting beliefs that are superficial and wrong is counterproductive.
Changing your mindset empowers you to take action and feel in control of your destiny.
It moves you out of the negative “poor me” cycle, where you think life happens to you, not for you.
Believing money is abundant and there is more than enough fosters generosity, gratitude, and a willingness to let it flow. A lack mentality leads you to hold on tightly and signal to the universe that there isn’t enough.
If you say, “I will never have enough money,” then you won’t.
What you believe will be validated; remember, your perception is everything.
An example of a shift in mindset leading to financial success:
I recently spoke to someone who grew up in a family with a frugal, lack mentality around money.
They rarely spent on extras and clung to their money for fear of not having enough. This individual carried this fear into adulthood and only recently changed their mindset.
Last week, they told me, “You won’t believe it, but twice this month, I faced unexpected expenses, and just when I was wondering how to pay for them, the exact amount of money came in unexpectedly each time. Isn’t that strange?”
While I can’t explain how this happens, I know it does, and the universe is abundant. So, changing your mindset allows you to recognize opportunities and create financial success.
Are there specific habits or practices that can help develop a money-making mindset?
Practices that help develop a money-making mindset include:
- Meditation.
- Journaling to capture your limiting beliefs and goals.
- Creating a Vision Board with clear goals.
- Learning financial literacy and understanding your financial situation.
- Creating a budget to know where you are spending your money.
- Understanding you are in control of your financial situation and can make changes.

What role do fear and risk-taking play in a money-making mindset?
Fear often leads people to cling to their money, think unclearly, and avoid new opportunities, such as career advancements.
They view the world with trepidation and subconsciously choose not to “rock the boat,” preferring safety. This fear directly limits the ability to make money and can lead to financial neglect if bills pile up.
Taking calculated risks, where you understand the risks, enables you to make intelligent decisions. It’s about finding a balance between living in fear and acting impulsively.
Facing your fears and embracing discomfort are necessary for change, opening the door to greater success.
Get the Free Guide and Audio Meditation for Manifesting Your Dreams
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You’ll also get one or two emails per month with the latest blog posts about abundance, wealth-building, manifesting, and creating a fulfilling life.
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About the Author

TIFFANY WOODFIELD is a financial coach, cross-border expert, and the co-founder of SWAN Wealth based out of Kelowna, BC. As a TEP and associate portfolio manager, Tiffany has extensive experience working with successful professionals who want to leave a legacy and enjoy an adventurous, work-optional lifestyle. Tiffany combines extensive knowledge from her background as a financial professional with coaching and her passion for personal development to help her clients create a unique path that allows them to live their fullest potential. Tiffany has been a regular contributor to Bloomberg TV and has been interviewed by national and international publications, including the Globe and Mail and Barron’s.