How Can Someone Start Manifesting Money?


January 10, 2024

My mission with this blog is to help you create a more abundant, joyful, and fulfilling life. As a financial professional, I combine the technical and emotional aspects of wealth building to help my clients. Whether you want a life of adventure or calm and peaceful stability, you need to become confident managing your money.







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Ready to Start Manifesting Money?

Manifesting money might sound like something from a fairy tale.

But it’s not as simple (or silly) as grabbing a lamp and rubbing it until a genie pops out! To manifest more money in your life, you must be ready to go deep within yourself. 

Ready to uncover the secret of how you can start manifesting money? Keep reading!

Ready to Start Manifesting Money?
To manifest more money in your life, you must be ready to go deep within yourself. 

What does it mean to manifest money?

When you manifest money, you attract it to yourself through your thoughts and beliefs. 

It all starts with your mind. You need to be clear about your intentions and goals and believe you already possess abundance and deserve money. When manifesting, especially with money, the key to success is to delve deep and uncover your negative thoughts about money. 

Digging deep and uncovering your limiting beliefs is crucial.

Why? Because most people need to address internal issues before proceeding. Society bombards us with harmful messages about money, and most people harbour many negative beliefs preventing them from manifesting their dream life (and their dream bank account balance). 

If you don’t release the limiting beliefs, you might send mixed messages to the universe, clouding your intentions and creating money blocks.

Imagine focusing on attracting wealth, diligently following all the right steps—meditating, recording your dreams, and creating a vision board. 

However, subconsciously, your mind whispers, “Money is bad” or “Wanting to attract money is selfish.” 

In this case, your mind becomes counterproductive, creating opposing forces, resulting in one step forward and two steps back. 

That’s why it’s vital from the beginning to identify and work on eliminating any negative beliefs you hold about money or wealth.

Imagine focusing on attracting wealth, diligently following all the right steps—meditating, recording your dreams, and creating a vision board. 

How is manifesting money different from just setting financial goals?

Manifesting money differs from setting financial goals because manifesting involves attracting wealth through your beliefs. 

Setting financial goals, on the other hand, is a logical tool to help you comprehend and achieve your financial objectives. You need clear financial goals as part of the action phase of the equation. 

However, when manifesting, you work on creating tangible, monetary outcomes through your belief system and internal programming.

Think of it as having two sets of tools. One set of tools is for logical thinking and the other is for emotional thinking. 

Logical thinking around money involves analyzing your budget and financial plan. The emotional aspect deals with subjective thoughts, emotions, and feelings. Addressing both logical and emotional aspects exponentially enhances your potential to achieve your desired financial goals.

How is manifesting money different from just setting financial goals?
When manifesting, you work on creating tangible, monetary outcomes through your belief system and internal programming.

How can someone begin manifesting money?

To start manifesting money:

1. Acknowledge your limiting beliefs about money.

These are counterproductive beliefs that could hinder your money manifestation.

Write down any negative beliefs you have about money, such as “It’s selfish to want more money,” “I’ll never have enough money,” or “Money is hard to come by.”

2. Set a clear intention to manifest money

Write it down and affirm it daily.

Several tools are available depending on your preference, such as creating a vision board, using positive affirmations, practicing the 369 method, and visualizations.

3. Reinforce and immerse yourself in already having this money in your life.

Remember, the subconscious operates through images, so train your mind to help create your desired life. You are collaborating with the universe.

4. Take action.

Manifesting is more than just thinking; it involves acting on your intentions and working with the universe.

Consider yourself and the universe as a team striving towards your goal. To brainstorm actionable steps, ask yourself what your future self would say and do.

Pose questions that start with “how” and “what,” such as “What can I do today to move closer to my goal?” Utilize logical tools like financial plans and budgets to bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.

5. Practice gratitude.

Being grateful can significantly alter your perspective and positively impact your mood, ultimately changing your reality.

6. Remember to be consistent and patient.

Manifesting doesn’t happen overnight; it involves subtle, gradual changes.

Keep a record of your current beliefs and your desired state, and periodically assess your progress. Even shifting from negative to positive thinking about money is a substantial step towards realizing your dreams.

Does focusing on money lead to materialism?

Materialism occurs when you prioritize possessions and material things over your spiritual values.

Money is merely a medium of exchange; it’s not money that makes you materialistic. Your value system and reasons for seeking more money determine whether you become materialistic.

If you’re unsure about your values, ask yourself, “Why do I want more money?”

Does focusing on money lead to materialism?
Money is merely a medium of exchange; it’s not money that makes you materialistic.

What methods do people use to manifest money?

Some common methods people use to manifest money include:

  • Visualization of the life they desire
  • Practicing the 369 Method
  • Working on releasing negative beliefs about money
  • Practicing gratitude
  • Giving money away intentionally
  • Using positive affirmations and mantras
  • Creating a vision board
  • Utilizing meditation to shift their money mindset
  • Learning from experts in the field of manifesting
  • Studying successful entrepreneurs in their chosen field

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Related Articles

💎 How Your Money Mindset Affects You and How To Change It

💎 How to Change Your Mindset on Making Money

💎 Manifesting Money: Use the Subconscious Mind to Create Abundance 

About the Author

TIFFANY WOODFIELD is a financial coach, cross-border expert, and entrepreneur based out of Kelowna, BC. As a TEP and associate portfolio manager, Tiffany has extensive experience working with successful professionals who want to leave a legacy and enjoy an adventurous, work-optional lifestyle. Tiffany combines extensive knowledge from her background as a financial professional with coaching and her passion for personal development to help her clients create a unique path that allows them to live their fullest potential. Tiffany has been a regular contributor to Bloomberg TV and has been interviewed by national and international publications, including the Globe and Mail and Barron’s.