What Does Manifesting Money Mean? And Does Manifesting Actually Work?


November 23, 2023

My mission with this blog is to help you create a more abundant, joyful, and fulfilling life. As a financial professional, I combine the technical and emotional aspects of wealth building to help my clients. Whether you want a life of adventure or calm and peaceful stability, you need to become confident managing your money.







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What Does Manifesting Money Mean?

Manifesting money means clearly intending to bring more abundance and wealth into your life.

Manifesting money starts with looking at where you are currently with your finances and where you want to be. 

To manifest money effectively, uncover your money mindset and beliefs around money. Ensure your desires and beliefs work together, not against each other.  

What Does Manifesting Money Mean?
Manifesting money starts with looking at where you are currently with your finances and where you want to be. 

Is it real? Can you really manifest money?

Manifesting money is only real if you believe it to be real. 

What you believe often becomes true. So, based on your thoughts, you’re either holding yourself back or allowing abundance to flow. So first, to manifest money, you need to think it is possible. Then, you must set the intention and be accountable for your thoughts and actions. 

You want to be in alignment with your intention.

Deepak Chopra speaks of this power in his book The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, an excellent resource for learning how energy flows and the universe works.

Quick Video: 3 Steps to Manifest Money (Or Anything Else)

You can use these three simple steps to manifest money or anything else! Make sure you click the subscribe button if you’re YouTube user so you get more of these videos in your feed.

What stops people from manifesting money?

The biggest thing that stops people from manifesting money is their limiting beliefs.

Limiting beliefs are hardwired in childhood. These beliefs are hugely powerful, yet people often discount their impact. 

You need to train your mind to think positively about money and abundance. If you send the message that either money is evil or you don’t deserve abundance and wealth, this will work against you. 

Think of your limiting beliefs as opposing forces tugging on a rope.

The result is that neither side gains much ground.  

Only when you have a positive money mindset can you truly embrace the opportunity to manifest money and wealth in your life?   

What stops people from manifesting money?
The biggest thing that stops people from manifesting money is their limiting beliefs.


Below, I’ve included a quick exercise to know if you have limiting beliefs holding you back from achieving financial success and more money.

Sit quietly where you won’t be disturbed, and focus on breathing for a few breaths. 

Then ask yourself if you can say “I love money” and notice how your body reacts.

Do you cringe at all? 

Or do you communicate that idea well and with confidence? 

Do you try to change it to something more “palatable?” Like, “I don’t love money; I love what it can do for me.”

Do you feel comfortable saying “I love money” to friends at a dinner party? 

I want you to be honest here. Unless you can say, “I love money,” without cringing and feel confident saying it at a dinner party, you still have work to do on your limiting beliefs.  

You may think, “My friends would judge me as superficial or selfish if I said that at a dinner party.” 

While this may be true, could you look at it differently? 

Could you see it as an opportunity to educate them on their limiting beliefs around money? 

Here’s the thing: it isn’t selfish to love money; this idea has been programmed into our society and holds us back. 

It is selfish to pursue money at all costs and use it to harm others. 

But in both cases, money is the tool, and it is the person doing the actions. The person (not the money) may be evil. 

Money is just a current currency of exchange, much like chickens were in the past. And I am sure you wouldn’t be judged for saying you love chickens. 

Remember, a person’s actions may be wrong, but money is not wrong, harmful, or evil. 

You may not be able to change the opinions of others. Moreover, when you worry about being judged, it is because you are judging yourself. 

If you think money is bad, a quick way to get out of this pattern is to be generous and give money away. I don’t mean you need millions to do this, but you can even buy someone you don’t know a coffee. 

I love to get a few gift cards worth a nominal amount and give one of these cards to someone when my negative lack mentality around money comes up. It quickly reminds me that money flows, allowing me to be generous and do beautiful things with money. 

Remember, a person's actions may be wrong, but money is not wrong, harmful, or evil. 
Remember, a person’s actions may be wrong, but money is not wrong, harmful, or evil. 

What exactly does it mean to manifest something?

Manifesting means bringing something into your life by believing it.

Although this sounds simple, your intention must be clear. And you must believe you deserve it. From there, taking actions that support what you want to manifest is an even stronger message to the universe. 

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About the Author

TIFFANY WOODFIELD is a financial coach, cross-border expert, and the co-founder of SWAN Wealth based out of Kelowna, BC. As a TEP and associate portfolio manager, Tiffany has extensive experience working with successful professionals who want to leave a legacy and enjoy an adventurous, work-optional lifestyle. Tiffany combines extensive knowledge from her background as a financial professional with coaching and her passion for personal development to help her clients create a unique path that allows them to live their fullest potential. Tiffany has been a regular contributor to Bloomberg TV and has been interviewed by national and international publications, including the Globe and Mail and Barron’s.