My mission with this blog is to share the spiritual, emotional, and financial tools every ambitious woman needs to live a rich and fulfilling life. You deserve to feel confident and calm about your money choices as you build your wealth and legacy.


Being rich doesn’t make you happy or unhappy; it is your thoughts that make you happy.  So make sure you’re aware of yours!

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How to Be Rich

How To Be Rich and Live Simply

Being rich doesn’t make you happy or unhappy; it is your thoughts that make you happy.  So make sure you’re aware of yours!

How to Be Rich

How to Be Rich During a Recession

During a recession, smart moves include saving cash, investing in companies that pay dividends and make everyday items, buying gold, and getting bonds because they’re safer.

How to Be Rich

How To Be Rich Doing What You Love

While some view “being rich” as a specific dollar amount, others see it as being surrounded by people they love.  So first, you must understand what being rich means to you and have a goal.

How to Be Rich

How To Be Wealthy, Not Rich

Rich is what you see, and wealth is what is in your bank account. Rich people tend to be more “in-your-face,” trying to keep up with their neighbours and always looking to show off the fact that they just purchased the latest tech toy.

How to Be Rich

The Mindset of Money and How To Get Rich

The right money mindset for growing wealth is the belief that you can grow and change, combined with the desire to release limiting beliefs that are holding you back. 

How to Be Rich

How To Be Rich in Canada

While nearly every Canadian likes the idea of becoming rich, whether or not you achieve this goal depends on many factors, including how much you earn and save and your money mindset.

How to Be Rich

How To Be Rich by 35

Almost everyone would like to be rich. And most young people would agree that getting rich by 35 sounds great! But are you willing to do what it takes to be rich by 35?

Money Mindset

How To Have an Abundance Mindset with Money

Having an abundance mindset with money is critical to living a fulfilling life. So, let’s break down how to have an abundance mindset with money, even in times of financial stress.

Money Mindset

How To Change My Mindset About Money

If you’re wondering how to change your mindset about money, you’re already on the right track because the first step is the desire to change.

How to Be Rich

Wealth Coach: What To Expect and When to Hire an Expert

Having wealth gives you the time to do the things that bring you happiness, whether spending time with family, creating a business, giving back, or traveling. Do you need a wealth coach to help you get there?


Manifest more Money, Love, and Happiness with This Meditation & Guide

THE MONEY SECRETS MANIFESTATION GUIDE contains the exact process that I've used to create my dream life. If you want to feel joyful and confident as you manifest your goals, get the guided meditation and start listening!